Applications Due by May 6, 2024
The Department of Religious Studies and Classics is excited to offer support to University of Arizona students who would like to begin their study of Ancient (Classical) Greek or Latin this summer! Full or partial Summer tuition funding is available to students who plan to continue their studies in GRK or LAT during the Fall 2024 semester (after completing summer GRK or LAT) OR who are taking summer language to complete the Classics major at the University of Arizona. Students must declare the Classics major for Latin summer funding, while any student pursuing Greek is eligible for summer tuition funding
The following courses will be available fully online during Summer 2024. More information on the courses can be found here, while information on enrolling in Summer Session can be found at summer-winter.arizona.edu.
- Greek 112 - Intensive Beginning Classical Greek will be available fully online (asynchronously) during a 10-week summer session (06/03/2024 - 08/07/2024). GRK 112 is the equivalent of GRK 101 and GRK 102, and prepares students for GRK 201. Funding to support summer tuition for GRK 112 is available to students enrolling in GRK 201 in the Fall 2023 semester. For more information on this course, contact Prof. Robert Groves or Prof. Sarah McCallum.
- LAT 112 - Intensive Beginning Latin will be available Live Online (with synchronous online meetings MoTuWeThFr 9:00AM - 12:45PM) during a five-week summer session from 06/03/2024 - 07/03/2024. LAT 112 is a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of Latin and achieves the same proficiency level as both LAT 101 and LAT 102 and prepares students for LAT 212 or LAT 201. Funding to support summer tuition for LAT 112 is available to declared Classics majors enrolling in LAT 201 in the Fall 2024 semester or LAT 212 in Summer 2024. For more information, contact Prof. Philip Waddell.
- LAT 212 - Accelerated Latin II will be available Live Online (with synchronous online meetings MoTuWeThFr 9:00AM - 12:45PM) during a five-week summer session from 07/08/2024 - 08/07/2024. LAT 212 gives extensive training in practice in reading Latin texts and achieves the same proficiency level as both LAT 201 and LAT 202, and completes the language requirement for the Classics major. Funding to support summer tuition for LAT 212 is available to declared Classics majors, with priority given to majors enrolling in LAT 400 in the Fall 2024 semester. For more information, contact Prof. Philip Waddell.
- Your University of Arizona transcript. It is fine to send an unofficial transcript.
- A brief letter of application (1-2 pages). Please discuss the following: why you are interested in studying Greek or Latin this summer; your ability to devote significant time this summer to intensive language study; and your financial need to cover summer tuition. At the top of your statement, please include the following:
- the language course(s) you wish to take this summer (GRK 112, LAT 112, and/or LAT 212)
- your name
- your university email address
- your major(s) and minor(s)
- your expected graduation date
- If applying for GRK 112, please confirm that you have enrolled in GRK 201 in Fall 2024; if applying for LAT 112, please confirm that you have enrolled in LAT 212 or LAT 201; if applying for LAT 212, please indicate if you have enrolled in LAT 400 in Fall 2024 and/or if you are completing LAT 212 to fulfill the language requirement for the Classics major.
Questions? Contact Dr. Robert Groves, groves@arizona.edu.