
Study Center
Free Drop-In Tutoring for Greek and Latin and Latin Enrichment

The Classics Program offers (free!) Drop-in Tutoring four days a week for Latin and Greek students at all levels, plus enrichment activities! Tutoring resources are offered with Instructional Specialist, Leah Schocket.

All sessions are to be held in the third floor of the Learning Services Building (see map below) or on Zoom by request.

  Zoom Meeting Room for Tutoring 
(Please email lschocket@arizona.edu at least 30 minutes in advance if you plan to attend via Zoom.)


Come for help with review, studying, homework, or any other concerns you may have! (note: all times are AZ time)

  • Monday 1:40-3:00 pm (Learning Services Building 346 or Zoom)
  • Tuesday 10:00-11:20am (Learning Services Building 346 or Zoom)
  • Wednesday 3:40-5:00pm (Learning Services Building 309 or Zoom)
  • Thursday 3:00-4:00pm (Learning Services Building 309 or Zoom)

Latin Enrichment Activities

Friday Sight Reading Group!   Fridays (4:00-5:00 pm, Harvill 347)

Classical Languages Tutoring Center locations

Private Tutoring

Our M.A. students are often quite experienced Hellenists and Latinists and capable teachers.  Please contact them directly to arrange private tutoring for primary or secondary students, adult learners, etc.

The following graduate students have indicated that they are willing to tutor for Latin in the 2023-2024 academic year: 

The following graduate students have indicated that they are willing to tutor for Ancient Greek (Attic/Koiné) in the 2023-2024 academic year:

Latin and Greek Tutoring is also available from Daniel Ruprecht, one of our M.A. program alumni.