Prizes & Scholarships for Graduate Students

Support for Professional Development

The Department of Classics has established a Graduate Student Educational and Professional Development Fund. All current Classics M.A. students are eligible to apply for funding to support professional, educational, and outreach activities related to their graduate studies. Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to: participation in, or hosting of conferences; courses or seminars offered outside the UA; fieldwork; internships; study/travel abroad programs; outreach efforts on campus or at the local or state level; research closely tied to the M.A. thesis. Funds cannot be used for subsidizing graduate school applications. For specific application details and criteria see, the link above!

Department of Classics Endowed Prizes

Norman Austin Outstanding M.A. Thesis Award
An annual cash award for the best M.A. Thesis in the Department of Classics (by faculty nomination).
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Jim Doidge Graduate Student Greek Award/Latin Award
An annual cash award for outstanding work by a Classics graduate student in Greek or Latin courses (by faculty nomination).
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Sandra Rhead Jones Graduate Student Latin Teaching Award
An annual cash award to support the Latin teaching pursuit of a graduate student in the Department of Classics (by faculty nomination). 
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Other Departmental Awards

Cynthia White Travel and Study in Italy Award
The Cynthia White Travel and Study in Italy Award will be given each year to a student pursuing a graduate or undergraduate degree in the Department of Classics at the University of Arizona. Awards shall be made to students participating in academic travel in Italy and/or study abroad programs in Italy. For more information, contact Professor White at

Society for Classical Studies (formerly American Philological Association) Outstanding Student Awards

Classical Association of the Middle West and South Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Classical Studies Award


Please consider donating to Classics at the University of Arizona, to help ensure that our students continue to excel. To discuss opportunities for giving, please contact the Head of the Department, Dr. Karen Seat at You can donate online or download and submit our donation form (PDF). Thanks to our entire Classics community for your support!

Donate online now


Awards and Scholarships from Outside Organizations

CAMWS Awards & Scholarships 
  • The Classical Association of the Middle West and South offers a number of awards, grants, and scholarships for students (high school, undergraduate, and graduate) and Elementary and Secondary Teachers.
American Classical League (ACL) Awards & Scholarships
Eta Sigma Phi Scholarships & Contests
Scholarships at the American Academy in Rome
Fellowships at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Scholarship for Professional Thesis Editing Services via the Laura Bassi Scholarships
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