Funding for Winter Session Study of Latin!

Sept. 12, 2024
Latin image
The Department of Religious Studies and Classics is excited to offer support to majors in the Department of Religious Studies and Classics who would like to begin their study of Latin this winter!  

LAT 101 - Elementary Latin I will be available fully online during the upcoming Winter Session

For Classics and/or Religious Studies majors interested in enrolling in LAT 101 in Winter 2024, the Department is offering multiple scholarships for full or partial support of Winter Session tuition. To be eligible for this funding, students must be a declared major in the Department and commit to enrolling in LAT 102 in the Spring 2025 semester. (Students can declare a major in Classics here and/or declare a major in Religious Studies or Religious Studies for Health Professional here.)

To apply for funding to help cover Winter 2024 tuition for LAT 101, please submit your application materials by December 1, 2024. Application materials should be submitted as email attachments to Hector Silva at

The application must include 1) a statement of application and 2) a University of Arizona transcript showing your CLAS, RELI, or RSHP major. Detailed instructions are as follows:

  1. Please submit a statement of application, which includes the following:

  • At the top of your statement, please list 1) your name, 2) your University of Arizona email address, 3) your major(s) and minor (if applicable), 4) your anticipated graduation date from the University of Arizona, and 5) a statement confirming that you have enrolled in LAT 102 for the following Spring semester.
  • In 1-2 pages, respond to the following prompts:
    • Describe what you find interesting about studying Latin. Why would you like to pursue this course of study?
    • Describe your commitment and ability to devote significant time to the study of Latin during Winter Session.
    • Briefly discuss your financial needs for tuition coverage for Winter Session.
    • Note any academic strengths and qualifications you have that will help you make the most of this opportunity for intensive language study.
    • Finally, please list the name and contact information of a UA faculty member who can serve as a reference for you.
  1. The application also requires a University of Arizona transcript. It is fine to send an unofficial transcript.


To apply, please email all application materials listed above to Hector Silva ( by December 1, 2024.

Questions? Contact Dr. Karen Seat at