Areas of Expertise
- Latin and Greek historiography, especially of Rome
- Roman and Greek history
- Ancient Rhetoric
Spring '25 Courses
- CLAS 323: Ancient Empires
- Ph.D., Classical Studies, University of Missouri (2010)
- Dissertation: "The Directed Gaze: Enargeia and Film in the Annales of Tacitus"
- Dennis Trout (Chair), Raymond Marks, James McGlew, David Schenker, Lawrence Okamura
- Dissertation: "The Directed Gaze: Enargeia and Film in the Annales of Tacitus"
- M.A, Classics, University of Missouri (2006)
- Postbaccalaurate work in Classics, The Catholic University of America (2001-2002)
- B.A., History, cum laude, The Johns Hopkins University (2001)
- Thesis: "The Religious Reforms of Augustus"
- Celia Schultz (Chair)
- Thesis: "The Religious Reforms of Augustus"
Selected Presentations
- 2024 "Fighting with the Enemy: Focalization in Livy's Battle of Cannae," CAMWS-SS, San Antonio.
- 2024 "The Dream of Hannibal: Propaganda, Religion, and Historiography," ACL, Tucson.
- 2024 "Livius Criticus: A Polybian Intertext at AUC 21.18-19," CAMWS, St. Louis.
- 2020 "The Imperial Gaze: Focalization and Alignment in Tacitus' Annales" (invited lecture) University of Toronto, October 2020.
- 2020 "Cupido incessit: Religion at the Borders of Empire (Tac. Hist. 2.2–3, Ann. 1.61–62.)," (invited panel: "The Supernatural in Tacitus,") CAMWS, March 2020.* (Presented in May, for Online CAMWS)
- 2018 "Reading Nero: Receptions of the Emperor from Antiquity to the 21st Century," Hendrix College, AR (invited).
- 2017 "Urbs ut scaena: Dramatic Space in the Historiae of Tacitus," CAMWS, Kitchener, ON.
- 2015 “Quasi Nero Triumphans: A Tacitean Reading of Ammianus Marcellinus’ RG 16.8-10,” CAMWS, Boulder.
- 2014 “Carthago Deleta: Alternate Realities and Meta-history in Appian’s Libyca,” Science/Fiction/History: The Literary in Classical Historiography, Athens, Greece.
- 2014 “In Your Hearts: A Ciceronian Intertext in Tacitus’ Annales,” CAMWS, Waco.
- 2013 “Derideas Licet: Tacitus’ Death of Seneca as Satire,” APA, Seattle.
- 2012 “Ethos Tranlsatum: Failures of Rhetorical Self-Presentation in the Annales of Tacitus,” CAMWS, Baton Rouge.
- 2011 Panel Respondent, Annual Heartland Graduate Workshop in Ancient Studies, University of Missouri.
- 2011 “The Quick-Cut in the Annales of Tacitus and the Column of Trajan,” APA, San Antonio.
- 2007 “Dominus et Deus: Domitian’s Creation of the Games of Capitoline Jupiter,” Forging Identity, Graduate Student Conference, The Johns Hopkins University.
- 2007 “War More Punic Than Civil: Carthage in Lucan’s De Bello Civile,” CAMWS, Cincinnati.
- Chapter: “Day Suddenly Became Night: Eclipses and Characterization in Greek Historiography” in Sublime Cosmos in Graeco-Roman Literature and its Reception: Intersections of Myth, Science, and History, ed. D. Christenson and C. White. Bloomsbury, 2024: 159-170.
- Monograph: Tacitean Visual Narrative, Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2020. Reviewed in Classical Review 71.2: 420-22 and Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2023.3.15.
- Chapter: “Carthago Deleta: Alternate Realities and Meta-history in Appian’s Libyca” in The Art of History: Literary Perspectives on Greek and Roman Historiography, ed. V. Liotsakis and S. Farrington. Walter De Gruyter, 2016: 241-52. [review: Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2018)]
- Article: “Eloquent Collisions: The Annales of Tacitus, the Column of Trajan, and the Cinematic Quick-Cut,” Arethusa 46.3: 471-497, 2013.
- Refereed Encyclopedia Entries: “Alphabet,” “Asinius Gallus,” “Clodius Pulcher,” “Domitia Lepida,” “Julia Silana,” “Lollia Paulina,” and “Narrative” for the Tacitus Encyclopedia, ed. Victoria Pagán, New York: Wiley-Blackwell (May ’23) (invited).
- Refereed Encyclopedia Entries: “Vilicus,” “Aes Alienum,” and “Congiarium” in Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History. ed. Roger Bagnall, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
Work in Progress
- Article on focalization in Livy's Battle of Cannae - currently drafting.
- Specimen for Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics commentary on Livy, book XXI. currently drafting.
- Article: “Ethos Translatum: intentional failures of Ciceronian creations of ethos in Tacitus,” currently drafting.
- Shannon-Henderson, Kelly. Religion and Memory in Tacitus' Annals. Oxford University Press, 2019. Classical World, 2020. Invited review.
- Woodman, A. J., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Tacitus. Cambridge University Press, 2010. Classical Bulletin, 2012.
- Galtier, Fabrice. L’image tragique de l’Histoire chez Tacite: Étude des schèmes tragiques dans les Histoires et les Annales. Latomus, 2011. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, August 2012.