
Chavez Bldg. Room 400N
Senseney, John Robert
Associate Professor

John R. Senseney is Associate Professor of Ancient History at the University of Arizona. He is an architectural historian with a research focus on ancient cities, sanctuaries, and how creative labor constructed a sense of order that enabled knowledge about the world. He has published on topics including Archaic Greek practices of construction and engineering, the Parthenon frieze, Plato's reliance on metaphors from artisanship, and the Greek and Hellenistic influences on the urban development of Rome. His teaching explores questions of power and identity, religious and ethnic conflict and tolerance, and the origins of science and scientific world views. He teaches ancient Near Eastern, Greek, and Roman history, as well as the classical tradition in the art of painting in the age of Dante. He is a native of the Sonoran desert and will tell anyone who pretends to listen that he is a real Wildcat who first arrived at Arizona/Sonora decades ago, with subsequent intervals at the University of California, Santa Barbara (where he earned his Ph.D.) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (where he was tenured). His office overlooks Old Main and he wanted you to know that.

Currently Teaching

CLAS 403A – History of Greece: Democracy, War, and Empire in the 5th Century BCE

Beginning with Herodotus' history of the Persian Wars and concluding with Thucydides' account of the Peloponnesian War, you will read and discuss various types of ancient sources in order to write your own history of the growth of democracy, the spread of empire, and the persistence of war in Classical Greece.