Religious Studies & Classics Faculty Members Promoted

May 11, 2020

Three professors in the Department of Religious Studies and Classics have been promoted, demonstrating excellent performance in teaching, service and research.


Courtney Friesen is promoted from Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Classics to tenured Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Classics; Rob Groves is promoted from Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Classics to Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Classics; and Caleb Simmons is promoted from Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Classics to tenured Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Classics.


Friesen’s research concerns intersections of Greek literature with the religious worlds of ancient Jews and Christians. He teaches all levels of Classical Greek as well as courses on the New Testament, early Christianity, and Greek and Roman religion and culture.


Groves specializes in Greek and Latin literature, especially the Greek Prose, Ancient Multilingualism in both reality and literary representation, Classical Linguistics, Modern Performance of Ancient Drama and Classical Reception in American Drama.


Simmons specializes in religion in South Asia, especially Hinduism. His research specialties span religion and state-formation in medieval and colonial India to contemporary transnational aspects of Hinduism.

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