Classics at the University of Arizona is pleased to provide Travel Grants to students enrolled in Classics courses through the Arizona in Orvieto (Italy) study abroad program in the 2020 Spring semester. With a generous grant from the Dorrance Foundation for Education, as well as revenues generated from Classics study abroad in the previous year, Classics has been able to provide two students with Travel Grants to study Classics abroad in the Spring.
Additional Travel Grants are available for Classics Study Abroad with Arizona in Orvieto (Italy) during the Summer 2020 session.
The Spring 2020 Classics Travel Grant Awardees are Brianna Astrid Becerra-Yanez and Nicolette Tavalero.
Brianna Astrid Becerra-Yanez writes: The main reason I want to study abroad is to immerse myself in a culture outside of my own. My major is Global Studies and Classics with a minor in Emergency Medicine. My overall career goal is to provide quality healthcare to underprivileged communities. After graduation, I plan on serving in the Peace Corps. I believe the next step towards my career goal is to study abroad in Orvieto, Italy. The Classic class I plan on taking while abroad is CLAS 452 Etruscan Art and Culture. Orvieto is rich with Etruscan art all over the city. I am excited to have the chance to take what I learn in the class and see it displayed throughout the city. Learning about Etruscan art and classic ideals in Italy will allow me to see the history first hand, making my entire study abroad experience so much more meaningful. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to not only immerse myself into the lifestyle of Italians today but also immerse myself in Italy’s rich history. Taking this Classics course in Orvieto will help me to understand and value a different side of Italian history I have not yet had a chance to learn about.
I believe it is important for every university student to study abroad because it throws you into the unfamiliar. This is how you learn to adapt, and gain perspective. Both skills are necessary not only for the workforce but it is also necessary to be a compassionate human being.
Nicolette Tavalero writes: I am Majoring in Communication with a minor in Film & Television. I had not heard of anyone doing this program or anyone that had gone to Orvieto, so it really interested me that I would be having a completely unique experience from friends of mine who have already gone abroad. All of my friends that have gone abroad go with people they know, and I am happy to say I wanted the exact opposite. I am more than ready to meet new people, have quality alone time to take everything in, and be a part of classes that are unique to Orvieto. I am taking the Classics course CLAS/ANTH/ARH 300 - Art and the Classical Ideal (Gen Ed: Tier 2 Humanities). I am most excited for this course because I would consider myself to be a creative-minded person, and I find it easier to retain the information I am learning when it is a topic I can apply to potential career opportunities. I am excited to be taking classes that will help me understand the history of the beautiful art surrounding me and make the experience of living in a new country a little less overwhelming. I am very thankful to be considered for the Classics Travel Grant. This trip would not be possible without the Department of Religious Studies and Classics, I truly appreciate the support!