
May 7, 2021
On Thursday, May 6, members of the department and community joined together via Zoom for our annual Classics Awards Ceremony. The ceremony kicked off with inspirational opening remarks from Dr. Alain-Philippe Durand (Dean, College of Humanities) and…

May 6, 2021
In Spring 2021, the department began offering awards for outstanding undergraduate students of Latin. Students applied for the awards with short essays about why they chose to study this ancient language.
Congratulations to the winners of the First…

May 5, 2021
In Spring 2021, the department began offering awards for outstanding undergraduate students of classical Greek. Students applied for the awards with short essays about why they chose to study this ancient language.
Congratulations to the winners of…

April 21, 2021
Application Deadline Extended to April 21st!
In Spring 2021, the department will be offering a variety of monetary awards for undergraduate students of classical Latin. These are in addition to the annual Richard C. Jensen Prize. Details and…

April 21, 2021
Application Deadline Extended to April 21st!
In Spring 2021, the department will be offering a variety of monetary awards for undergraduate students of classical Greek. These are in addition to the annual Thomas D. Worthen Prize. Details and…

April 17, 2021
Fulfill Degree Requirements with Classics!
All courses fully online (asynchronous) unless otherwise noted.
Summer Pre-Session (05/17/2021 - 06/05/2021)
CLAS 116B - Word Roots: Science and Medical Terminology
CLAS 150C1 - Pyramids and Mummies: The…

April 6, 2021
Yunbei Xu, a double major in Classics and Anthropology at the University of Arizona, is a 2021 recipient of the SILLC Global Award and a 2021 recipient of the College of Humanities Mary Ann Farman Memorial Scholarship.
The SILLC Global Award…

Jan. 25, 2021
Eleni Hasaki (Associate Professor Anthropology/Classics) coedited a volume with Martin Bentz (University of Bonn, Germany) titled Reconstructing Scales of Production in the Ancient Greek World: Producers, Processes, Products, People (2020). The…

Jan. 19, 2021
The Hellenic Cultural Foundation is delighted to announce a new scholarship in honor of James P. Sfarnas, the first president of the HCF. The first James P. Sfarnas Hellenic Studies Scholarship will be awarded in the spring of 2021 to University of…

Dec. 22, 2020
Congratulations to Professor Robert Groves, who is a recipient of the 2020 Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Classics at the College Level! This award is conferred by the Society for Classical Studies (SCS), the North American professional…

Nov. 6, 2020
The results of the the College Greek Exam, administered last spring to students in Greek 102 are finally in, and two Arizona students have won recognition from the nationally administered exam. Undergraduate Tyler Wilhelm's score earned him a…

Oct. 8, 2020
The Department of Religious Studies and Classics is excited to offer support to University of Arizona students who would like to begin their study of Ancient Greek this winter!
Greek 101- Elementary Classical Greek I will be available fully online…