Study Abroad in Italy and Explore Ancient Rome

Sept. 1, 2017

Generous funding available, ranging from $500-$5,000. For more information, see

Arizona in Italy Courses offered by UA Classics Professor Sarah McCallum:

CLAS 353 - Roman Epic in its Cultural Context:  This course offers a stimulating introduction to Roman epic that connects the stunning landscapes of Italy with its ancient cultural and literary heritage.  ** Gen Ed: Tier II Humanities
CLAS 220 - Classics through the Ages:  This course explores the importance of love as a concept in the Roman literary imagination and traces the influence of ancient thought on western civilization to modern times.   ** Gen Ed: Tier II Humanities

Conducted by Professor Sarah McCallum:
Sarah McCallum is Assistant Professor of  Classics in the Department of Religious Studies & Classics at the University of Arizona.  For questions, contact

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