
March 25, 2015
The 111th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South will be held March 25-28 in Boulder, CO. More information can be found here.    
March 13, 2015
Matthew Harder will present “Herculean Cult and its Topographical Dominance in the Forum Boarium” and Michael Koletsos “Do We Need a Bigger Boat? A Possible Depiction of a Carcharodon Carcharias on the Pithekoussai Shipwreck Krater”. The colloquia…
March 6, 2015
The Spring 2015 Graduate Student Colloquium commences Friday, March 6, at 12:15 p.m. in LSB 246. Melanie Zelikovsky will present "“Aliens Among Us: Bronze Age Greek Ties with Egyptian Archery”. Refreshments will be served.  Flyer…
March 4, 2015
Dr. Joey Williams, who received his M.A. in Classics at the UA (2007) and currently teaches at Basis Schools (Tucson North), will present an AIA sponsored lecture titled "Roman Watchtowers, Surveillance Systems, and Espionage!" on Wednesday, March 4…
Feb. 27, 2015
The application deadline for the Institute of Classical Studies' (University of London) training workshop on digital editing of epigraphic and papyrological texts (April 20-24, 2015) is February 27. More information can be found here.    
Feb. 18, 2015
Dr. Alba Frascarelli, Program Coordinator, University of Arizona Program at Orvieto, will present an AIA lecture titled "The Celestial Place of the Gods: Orvieto, Campo della Fiera," on Wednesday, February 18 in Haury Room 129 at 4:00pm.   Flyer…
Feb. 17, 2015
Dr. Albert Ammerman, Colgate University, will deliver an AIA lecture titled "Landscape Dynamics at Acconia: Placing the Work of the Survey in Time," on Tuesday, February 17 in Haury Room 129 at 5:30pm.   Flyer      
Feb. 16, 2015
The abstract deadline for the University of Pittsburgh's undergraduate and postgraduate conference entitled "Class Acts II: Exploring Roman Comedy and its Reception" (March 21-22, 2015) is February 16. Conference information can be found here.    
Jan. 17, 2015
 Dr. Timothy Winters, who received his B.A. in Classics at the University of Arizona, has won  the prestigious Society for Classical Studies’ (formerly American Philological Association) 2015 Collegiate Teaching Award. Professor Winters single-…
Jan. 17, 2015
The abstracts of sixteen Classics M.A. students have been accepted by The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS): (first year students) Ells, Shannon M., "Urban Romanization Theory: Case Studies from Lugdunum and Sarmizegetusa"…
Jan. 17, 2015
 Rachel DeLozier, B.A. (2014) Art History and Classics, and Dr. Hasaki  received the Archaeological Institute of America's Best Poster Award  at the 116th Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies (formerly  American Philological …
Jan. 15, 2015
Screening of applications for The Center for Humanities and Information (CHI) at The Pennsylvania State University Visiting Fellows Program begins on January 15, 2015. More information can be found here.