The abstracts of sixteen Classics M.A. students have been accepted by The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS):
(first year students)
Ells, Shannon M., "Urban Romanization Theory: Case Studies from Lugdunum and Sarmizegetusa"
Geach, James, "Better Off Dead? Socrates’ Contradictory Attitudes in the Apology"
Merrill, Ian, "An Economic Evaluation of the Edict on Maximum Prices"
Novikova, Aleksandra, "Œdipe and Louis XIV"
Perko, Roxanne, "Amicitia et Caritas: Classical and Christian Views on Friendship"
Williams, Saavak, "Curses, Folded Again! A Comparative Analysis of Greek and Roman Curse Tablets"
Zelikovsky, Melanie, "Aliens Among Us: Bronze Age Greek Ties with Egyptian Archery"
(second year students)
Del Bonis-O'Donnell, Asia L., "Allusion and Ambiguity: Animals as Subjects in the Lod Mosaic"
Harder, Matthew C., "Herculean Cult and its Topographical Dominance in the Forum Boarium"
Hutchings, Stephanie, "Greedy Gentlemen: An Expansion of (Stereo-) Typical Views in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses"
Koletsos, Michael J., "Do We Need a Bigger Boat? A Possible Depiction of a Carcharodon Carcharias on the Pithekoussai Shipwreck Krater"
Maini, Sachin, "The Roots of Enmity: Cato and Caesar in Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae"
Pickel, David G., "The Etruscans at Lattara: An Unambiguous Identification"
Prosch, Emily, "Minoan Influence in Laconia via Kythera"
Ramsey, Cara M., "Greek Aryballoi in Etruria"
Winnick, Benjamin A., "Reaching out and Pushing Away: Caesar and Cato as Antisocial and Prosocial Figures in Lucan’s Pharsalia"
Each of these graduate students will present a paper at the organization's 111th Annual Meeting at the University of Colorado (March 25-28, 2015). Their abstracts can be found here; more information about the conference is available here.