Study Abroad Opportunities

The department offers a uniquely broad and rich range of opportunities for study abroad in Greece, Italy, and beyond. These programs are open to both undergraduates and graduate students. 

Study Abroad scholarships are often available; for more information, see the scholarships page

Arizona in Orvieto, Italy

Summer 2025: May 18 - June 24

Typically offered every Summer, in addition to Fall and Spring opportunities.

Arizona in Orvieto is one of the most popular summer study abroad programs in the beautiful, quaint town of Orvieto, located just one hour from Rome. This program, based in the hilltop Umbrian town of Orvieto offers a rich selection of courses in Classics as well as other disciplines and a variety of field trips to some of Italy's greatest sights, tastes and experiences! More information can be found HERE and HERE

Greek Life in Greece 

Summer 2025: May 19 - June 6 

From the Parthenon to the Olympics to the Oracle at Delphi to the ruins of Delos and Santorini, the wonders of ancient Greece have inspired countless generations. Fraternities and sororities have used Greek letters in their names and rituals for centuries, but this study abroad opportunity gives students a chance to learn more about the culture that inspired these institutions. 

As we visit these incredible historical sites, we will spend our time thinking about the lessons the Ancient Greeks can teach us about how to live healthy full lives, how to lead, serve, and give to others, how to create and support a culture of innovation, and how to contribute to effective self-governance and a shared sense of humanity, many of the same purposes and lessons fraternities and sororities aim to teach.

We will travel across much of the Greek mainland and the islands, taking in cultural experiences (including Greek food and dance!), we will visit historical and archaeological sites and museums, and use these experiences to reflect on the lessons of ancient Greece for us moderns.  In particular, we will reflect on Greek lessons for: Governance, Leadership, Wellness, Philanthropy, Service, Innovation, and Shared Humanity.

Along the way we’ll have time for amazing excursions like a Treasure hunt in Athens’ National Gardens, cooking, classes, and yes, time at the beach!  Students will have a balance of site visits, travel, time for writing, and some free time to experience all that Greece has to offer!

This program has been developed primarily for students in the Greek Life system at the University of Arizona,  but it is open to all students interested in learning more about Greece and open to applying the lessons from the Greeks for today.

More information can be found HERE.

Arizona in the Aegean 

This five week program is split into two portions. One half is spent examining the highlights of Ancient Greek Art, Architecture, and Culture by visiting sites on the Mainland such as Athens, Delphi, Olympia, and Mycenae. The other half is spend living on an island in the Aegean and exploring Mediterranean craft technology. 

Students interested in Archaeology should also check out our fieldwork opportunities!

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