Vivante, Bella
Professor Emerita
Research Interests:
- Ancient Greek Drama, Archaic Poetry, and Art
- Women in Antiquity: Women’s Ritual Roles and Literary Images, Women in Ancient Sparta
- Cross-Cultural Comparisons: Ancient Greek and Native American
Select Publications:
- Daughters of Gaia: Women in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Praeger 2007, hardback; University of Oklahoma Press 2008, paper
- Helen: Icon of Womanhood in Ancient Greek and Modern Poetry (current research in progress)
- The Female Angle: Women’s Lives in Ancient Civilizations, Colorado School of Mines Journal (forthcoming 2009)
- Author and Editor, Events That Changed Ancient Greece, Greenwood Press, 2002 (named an Outstanding Title for 2002 by Choice Academic Reviews)
- “Ancient Nation States: Women’s Roles,” Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge, eds. C. Kramarae & D. Spender, v. 1, 2000, pp. 55-59
- Editor, Women’s Roles in Ancient Civilizations: A Reference Guide, Greenwood Press, 1999
- Translation, Introduction and Commentary of Euripides’ Helen, in Women on the Edge: Four Plays by Euripides, co-editor with R. Blondell, et al., Routledge, 1999
- “Euripides’ Helen and Female Rites of Passage,” in M. Padilla, ed., Rites of Passage in Ancient Greece: Literature, Religion, Society, Bucknell Review, 1999, pp. 158-180
- “The Primal Mind: Using Native American Models to Study Women in Ancient Greece,” in N.S. Rabinowitz & A. Richlin, eds., Feminist Theory and the Classics, Routledge, 1993, pp. 145-180
- “The Only Women Who Give Birth to Men: A Gynocentric, Cross-Cultural View of Women in Ancient Sparta,” in M. DeForest, ed., Woman’s Power, Man’s Game: Essays on Classical Antiquity in Honor of Joy King, Bolchazy-Carducci, 1993, pp. 32-53
- “The Mute Nude Female Character in Aristophanes’ Plays,” in A. Richlin, ed., Pornography and Representation in Greece and Rome, Oxford University Press, 1992, pp. 73-89
Courses Taught at the U of A:
- Classics: 1st & 2nd-year Greek and Latin, Women in Antiquity, Greek Drama
- Humanities: interdisciplinary courses in literature, art, and philosophy of (1) the Ancient Mediterranean World: Near East, Greece, Rome, Egypt; (2) Contemporary Multi-Ethnic American Cultures: Native, Hispanic, African, and Asian American; (3) upper level: “Love and War in the Ancient Mediterranean”, “From Orality to Literature: Storytelling in Contemporary Literature & Art”, “Voices From the Earth: Native American and Western Humanities”
- Specialty Classes: “Ancient Greek Drama and Modern Film”, “Literary and Artistic Images of Helen from Homer to H.D.”
Other Interests
- International Folkdancing
- Travel to Greece and Turkey