The Department of Religious Studies and Classics is excited to offer support to students who would like to get a jump on their study of Ancient Greek!
For UA students interested in enrolling in GRK 201 in Fall 2018, funding is available to take GRK 112 (online) in Summer 2018. GRK 112 is the equivalent of GRK 101 and GRK 102, and will be available fully online during the Summer 2018 10-week session from 06/04/2018 - 08/08/2018. More information on enrolling in Summer Session courses can be found at summer-winter.arizona.edu.
To apply for funding to help cover summer tuition for GRK 112, please submit the following to Stephanie Topete by 5:00pm May 24, 2018:
- A one-page letter of application covering the following:
- Your name, major(s) and minor(s), and your anticipated graduation date.
- A statement confirming that you have enrolled in GRK 201 for Fall 2018.
- A statement about your financial needs to cover summer tuition.
- A statement about your commitment to devoting significant time during Summer 2018 toward completing 6 units of classical Greek language study.
- Briefly describe what you find interesting about studying classical Greek.
- The name and contact information of a UA faculty member who can serve as a reference for you.
- A current UA transcript (an unofficial transcript is fine).
These two documents should be emailed to Stephanie Topete at stopetee@email.arizona.edu or delivered in person or by mail to the address below.
Stephanie Topete, Administrative Associate
Learning Services Building 203
The University of Arizona
1512 E. First Street
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0105