Classics at the University of Arizona is pleased to provide Travel Grants to students participating in study abroad through Arizona in the Aegean (Greece) or Arizona in Orvieto (Italy) in Summer 2018. With a generous grant from the Dorrance Scholarship Charitable Fund at the Arizona Community Foundation, as well as revenues generated from Classics study abroad in the previous year, in 2018 Classics has been able to provide 8 students with need-based and merit-based Travel Grants to participate in study abroad programs led by Classics faculty in Greece or Italy this summer.
The 2018 Classics Travel Grant Awardees are Dennis Vinh loc Chau, Eva Kihl, Madeline Martinez, Erin Pellegrino, Hailey Ramirez, Sujin Seo, Amelia Grace Symm, and Katie Walker. Erin Pellegrino, a Classics major with a Latin minor, also received a second travel grant designated for students of classical languages (Greek and/or Latin).
Erin Pellegrino writes:
"I am double-majoring in Physiology and Classics with an Emphasis in Classical Civilization and minoring in Latin. After graduating from the University of Arizona, I am planning on attending medical school. I feel that studying abroad will help me become a more competitive applicant, as I will be immersed in a different culture and studying outside the typical STEM realm. Relating with a group of people who are different from a familiar population is good practice not only for a future in medicine– as a doctor should be able to connect with a diverse array of patients– but for any well-rounded scholar. Being able to learn outside of a classroom and applying knowledge to the real world through study abroad has always been a goal of my undergraduate career, and I am thrilled to be enrolled in two exciting courses in the Arizona in the Aegean program: CLAS 220: Classics through the Ages and CLAS 341: Mediterranean Craft Technologies and Environmental Strategies: Past and Present. Receiving this grant allows me to fulfill my study abroad goal during a time that is conducive to my education. This grant will allow me the opportunity to interact with people of a different land and to become familiar with a foreign culture. These are invaluable experiences and I am extremely grateful that I have the support of the Department of Religious Studies and Classics as I embark on this endeavor."
Dennis Vinh loc Chau writes:
"I am majoring in Law and Classics. The best story ever written is history, the story of humanity as a whole, and I want to travel all around the world to learn about how we got to where we are today. My first experience traveling outside the US was when I went to Japan, and at first I was nervous. However, taking the time to immerse myself in their culture taught me to really appreciate it and develop a personal connection with the country, something that textbooks and readings cannot do. For this reason I strongly encourage students to travel abroad, whether it be for a class in another country or just because they are interested in a certain country. For Arizona in the Aegean, I plan on taking the courses "Classics throughout the Ages" and "Mediterranean Craft Technologies and Environmental Strategies: Past and Present" to learn about how Greek culture influenced other countries since the earliest civilizations as well as how the Mediterranean societies adapted and used the natural resources around them to build their empires. The Classics Travel Grant means more than just a sum of money, it means I can go into Greece enthusiastic to dive into the culture and surroundings instead of going into it anxious and worried about how I will pay for the program."
Amelia Grace Symm writes:
"Pursuing a triple-major in Classical Civilizations, Archaeological Anthropology, and Religious Studies, the University of Arizona’s study abroad program in Italy offers satiation to my driving passion for the study of people- past and present. Watching people as they perform everyday duties, observing the interplay between individuals within a familial structure, and oblations an individual makes to their god, are all small building blocks upon which humans measure their lives. While these things sound like observances that must be made in the present, one can often make these observances post-civilization through the medium of archaeology. How humans view themselves within the ontological cosmos often defines how they proceed to influence the earth via art, architecture and technological advancements. People find meaning through the legacy they leave and the memories they grace. My interests include the topic of religious studies and by having it as a major I hope to gain further insight into human life. What makes someone tick? Why did they live the way they did and what made them decide to form their society? Was it to reach a higher power? A greater understanding? Kaleidoscopic views are formed by religious beliefs and my curiosity is in how these beliefs also construct perceptions."
Sujin Seo writes:
"I am pursuing a BS in Chemistry and a BA in Classics with an emphasis in Classical Civilizations, and a minor in Religious Studies. This Classics Travel Grant Award will ensure that I fulfill my dreams to study abroad and further both of my career options and my knowledge of studying in foreign countries. This summer, I will be heading to Orvieto, Italy to study Roman literature and religions (CLAS 353 and CLAS 220). By studying abroad, I hope to not only further my own major studies, but also get to know students from a variety of backgrounds."
Katie Walker writes:
"I am majoring in Classics and minoring in Spanish. I have always had the desire to travel, but with university study abroad programs the whole process is easier and more educational. You get to immerse yourself in cultures from around the world with professors who know what’s what. For me personally, I love visiting places with long histories and visible remnants of earlier civilizations. Seeing these tangible links to the past allows for connections to be made across both borders and time. Sometimes you can forget that people are people, and that we have far more in common with each other than some would have you believe. It is important to participate in study abroad programs (or just travel in general if you can) for the sake of expanding your worldview. Courses that I will take are CLAS 220: Classics through the Ages and CLAS/ANTH 341: Mediterranean Craft Technologies and Environmental Strategies: Past and Present. Receiving this grant makes me feel more a part of the Department of Religious Studies and Classics. It means a lot to have the department of my major think enough of me to help provide me with the opportunity to do more of what I love."
Maddie Martinez writes:
“I am majoring in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, emphasis in Neurobiology; Minors in Classics and Biochemistry. Although I love medicine and have always dreamt of being a doctor, the career route I took has me void of cultural and historical information. I have always loved other cultures and societies, and if I were not to become a surgeon I would become an archaeologist. I think it is important for students to study abroad in order to gain a wider view of the world, and gain different perspectives and points of view. For a university student, two of the best qualities you can have is to be well-rounded and able to adapt, both of which I feel as though studying abroad readily provides. While abroad, I will be taking CLAS 220 – Classics through the Ages and CLAS/ANTH 341: Mediterranean Craft Technologies and Environmental Strategies: Past and Present. Receiving this travel grant means that my dreams of studying abroad ever since I was in elementary school will finally come through! I have always wanted to travel the world and see the birthplace of western civilization, but without this generous grant I never would have amounted the means with which to do so, and I am forever grateful for this opportunity.”
Hailey Ramirez writes:
"I am double-majoring in Physiology and Anthropology with an emphasis in Human Biology, and minoring in Nutritional Sciences. Personally, I believe one of the largest problems in medicine is the lack of trust between physicians and patients. A majority of the time this is due to the physician not fully understanding or respecting the patient’s cultures or values. I hope to break this pattern and take full advantage of this program. I believe that studying abroad will allow myself to understand and respect other cultures in a way that would not be possible without immersing myself in the environment. This summer I will be participating in Arizona in the Aegean; the courses I will be taking are CLAS 220 and ANTH 341. I am incredibly grateful for this grant; without it, I would not be able to participate in the program. This opportunity will give me real-world exposure which I am excited to bring back to the University of Arizona."
Eva Kihl writes:
"I am a BFA Studio Art major with an emphasis in drawing and painting. I chose to pursue a study abroad program in order to help further my education and experience as an art student at the University of Arizona. I believe that the Arizona in Orvieto program that I will be attending will greatly enrich my experience of learning about the fascinating history of art in Italy in a far more hands-on approach than through a textbook. During my time in Italy, I will be enrolled in a drawing class as well as the Roman Epic in its Cultural Context course. By having the opportunity to study abroad, I am certain that the experiences and knowledge I will gain will stick with me and shape me into a much more passionate student of art. I feel that studying abroad takes a university education far beyond just earning credits for classes, and instead fulfils a desire for knowledge and adventure, causing students to become much stronger and more cultured individuals. Personally, I believe that going abroad will help me become more brave and comfortable traveling, as well as experiencing unfamiliar situations and environments. This will additionally help me professionally, as I feel that being brave, confident, cultured and adaptable are very strong qualities for an artist to have. Additionally, this experience will motivate me to make the most of my college experience by not being afraid to do intimidating things, for they may end up being life changing. Receiving this grant has reminded me that just because I come from a low-income family does not mean that amazing opportunities are out of my reach. Thanks to the generous aid from the Classics Travel Grant II this summer, the incredible reality of studying abroad is in my future."