Dr. Timothy Winters, who received his B.A. in Classics at the University of Arizona, has won
the prestigious Society for Classical Studies’ (formerly American Philological Association)
2015 Collegiate Teaching Award. Professor Winters single-handedly created the thriving
Classics program at Austin Peay State University, and fondly remembers his undergraduate
studies in the department in the 1970s: “[Professors] Tom Worthen, Dick Jensen, and Marie
Bahr-Volk all contributed heavily to my education, and so I definitely owe thanks to U of A
Classics for providing me a solid foundation on which to build an incredibly rewarding career.”
The SCS announcement can be found here; Austin Peay press release. The Department of
Classics wishes to extend warm congratulations to Dr. Winters for winning this well-deserved
award and its gratitude for all his important career accomplishments!