The department of Religious Studies and Classics is excited to congratulate Prof. Eleni Hasaki on the prestigious fellowship she has earned for her work on ancient Greek vases! Dr. Hasaki is currently a Fellow in Hellenic Studies at Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C. She and Diane Cline (George Washington University) were awarded a collaborative fellowship to employ Social Network Analysis to better understand the connected world of potters and painters in Archaic and Classical Athens (6th–5th centuries B.C.). Hasaki was able to conduct much of the foundational work on this project and how it intersects with vase-connoisseurship in Spring 2018 during her term as Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA) at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. A brief report on this phase of the research (entitled Craft Apprenticeship, Social Networks and Communities of Practice in Ancient Greece) can be found here. Hasaki and Cline have already presented their work at the 19th International conference of Classical Archaeology in Bonn Germany (May 2018) and will present their updated research in the Connected Past conference at Oxford University, UK (December 2018). In conjunction with this project, Hasaki organized a panel at the Center for Hellenic Studies on the challenges of matching scenes and shapes for Greek vases with vase-painter Thanassis Katsaras. While in D.C. she was invited to the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design to be the inaugural panelist of the Colloquium Series “Material Culture and Historical Inquiry” on the topic of “Scale: Taking the Measure of Things.”