Study Abroad Fair

Participants can enter a drawing to win a $1000 Study Abroad Scholarship!

10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Oct. 4, 2023

Study Abroad Fall Fair 2023 - $1,000 Study Abroad Scholarship

The Study Abroad Fall Fair 2023 offers attendees the opportunity to win a $1,000 Study Abroad Scholarship! The following terms and conditions apply:

  • To enter the competition, eligible students must attend the Study Abroad Fair and check in with staff at the event’s entrance.
  • The winning entrant will be selected through a random draw to be held within 7-10 business days of the Study Abroad Fair. They will be notified via email and phone.
  • Entrants agree that should they win the scholarship they will help promote study abroad through publication announcing their win and their study abroad story through university news and social media channels.
  • An eligible entrant is defined as a currently enrolled undergraduate degree student at the University of Arizona who intends on applying for and undertaking a UA Study Abroad program.
  • The $1,000 scholarship will be placed on the winning entrant’s study bursar account upon confirmation of their enrollment in an approved study abroad program and upon evidence of flight bookings.
  • If the winning entrant withdraws their study abroad application or does not undertake their program, for any reason, the scholarship will lapse.
Study Abroad Fair