The 2020 installment of the annual Lectio Vergiliana, a performative reading Lingua Latine (in Latin) of a portion of Vergil's Aeneid will take place on Wednesday, February 26 from 10am-2pm.
This event will feature students, professors, and anyone else interested in joining taking turns reading (in Latin) books 2 and 12 of the Aeneid. In book 2, Aeneas recounts the tale of the sack of Troy from a Trojan perspective, detailing the deception of the Trojan Horse, and the sacrilegious murder of King Priam on the altar. Book 12 is Vergil's controversial finish to the epic, which comes to a head with Aeneas decision to murder Turnus as he begs for his life, in revenge for Turnus' killing of Pallas.
Thanks to a Faculty-Staff Interaction Grant, refreshments will be provided!
You can sign-up for a slot to read at: