The 2022 installment of the annual Lectio Vergiliana, a reading Lingua Latine (in Latin) of a portion of Vergil’s Aeneid will take place on Thursday, April 21st from 10am - 3pm at Special Collections in the Main Library.
This event will feature students, professors, and anyone else interested in taking a turn at reading (in Latin) books 2 and 4 of the Aeneid. As an audience member, you can read along with the English translation on-screen while you listen to the story the way it was meant to be heard! In Book 2, Aeneas tells of the fall of Troy and his family's flight from the city. In Book 4, Dido falls in love with Aeneas, and they enter into a relationship. When Jupiter orders Aeneas to leave Carthage, Dido cannot persuade him to stay, and the book ends in tragedy.
You can sign up for a reading slot (or multiple) at: If you want to scan and practice your lines ahead of time, visit Perseus for Book 2 and Book 4.
This year, Eta Sigma Phi is offering Lectio Vergiliana t-shirts for purchase. More information and this year's design are available on our order form. To order yours, please submit the form before the end of the day on Friday, April 8th. Thank you for your support of ESP!