Dr. Voyatzis is trained as a Classical Archaeologist and has been working in Greece for over 35 years. Her research areas involve Ancient Greek ritual and religion, sanctuaries and their development over time, and ancient Greek pottery. Dr. Voyatzis was a Principal Investigator in the excavations at the sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea, 1990-1994, and she is currently a co-director of the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey project (since 2004).
Past classes taught by Dr.Voyatzis:
- Archaic Greek Sanctuaries: Classics 481/581
- Greek Architecture: Classics/Art History 457/557
- Greek Pottery: Classics/Art History 461/561
- Greek Art and Archaeology: Classics/Art History/Anthropology 340A
- Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Mediterranean: Classics 360 (Tier II)
- Elementary Modern Greek: Greek 103
- Elementary Modern Greek: Greek 104
- Intermediate Modern Greek: Greek 203
- Intermediate Modern Greek: Greek 204
- The Tectonic Foundations of the Geoarchaeology of Greece (co-taught with George Davis): Classics 596h
Research Interests:
- Archaeology of Religion (especially in Greece, early Iron Age through Archaic period)
- Greek art, architecture, history and society in the Protogeometric, Geometric, Orientalizing and Archaic periods particularly
- Archaeology in Arcadia
- Excavations/surveys in Tegea
- Excavations/surveys at Mt. Lykaion in Greece (since 2004): http://lykaionexcavation.org/
![]() Sanctuary of Zeus on Mt. Lykaion |
Art Rohn and Mary Voyatzis reveiwing finds from altar |
![]() Altar at the Sanctuary of Zeus |
Sanctuary of Zeus on Mt. Lykaion |
Scholarly Books:
- The Early Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea and Other Archaic Sanctuaries in Arcadia. Published in Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, Pocketbook 97 (Goteborg, Sweden, 1990) 348 pages, 28 figures, 187 plates.
- Tegea I: Investigations in the Temple of Athena Alea, 1991-1994, G. Nordquist, M. Voyatzis, and E. Ostby. Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Vol. 3, (Athens, Greece, 2014). 626 pp.
- Tegea II: Investigations in the Sanctuary of Athena Alea 1990-1994 and 2004, with H. Bakke-Alisoy, A. Bjune, N. Drocourt, J. Eiring, H. Ingvaldsen, A. Ingvarsson-Sundstrom, M. Iozzo, H. Klempe, K. Krzywinski, J.-M. Luce, , M. Nicolardi, A. Overland, J. Pakkanen, S. Sande, C. Tarditi, K. Odegard, E. Ostby. Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Vol. 4, (Athens, Greece, 2014). 465 pp.
Chapters and Articles:
“A Diachronic Investigation of ʹLocalʹ Pottery Production and Supply at the Sanctuary of Zeus, Mt. Lykaion, Arcadia, Peloponnese,” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 7 (2016), 526-529. (with Kordatzaki, G., E. Kiriatzi, N. Müller, D. Romano, S. Petrakis, J. Forsen, G. Nordquist, E. Rodriguez-Alvarez, S. Linn)
“Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, Part 2: Lower Sanctuary: Preliminary Report 2004-2010,” (with D.G. Romano) Hesperia 84 (2015) 207-276.
“Micromorphological contributions to the study of ritual behavior at the Ash Altar to Zeus on Mt. Lykaion, Greece,” (with S. Mentzer, principal author, and D.G. Romano) Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2014.
“Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, Part 1: Upper Sanctuary: Preliminary Report 2004-2010,” (with D. G. Romano) Hesperia 83 (2014) 569-652.
“Dating Gods: Radiocarbon Dates from the Sanctuary of Zeus on Mt. Lykaion (Arcadia, Greece),” Radiocarbon vol. 55, Nr. 2-3 (2013) 501-513 (with B. Starkovich, principal author, G. Hodgins, and D.G. Romano)
“Preserving Ancient Arcadian Heritage: Proposal for an Archaeological Park,” (with David Gilman Romano) in Paysage et religion en Grèce antique, Mélanges offerts à Madeleine Jost, sous la direction de Pierre Carlier et Charlotte Lerouge-Cohen, Travaux de la Maison René-Ginouvès, De Boccard,: (Paris 2010) 41-54.
"The Role of Temple Building in Consolidating Arkadian Communities," in Defining Ancient Arkadia. Acts of the Copenhagen Polis Centre 6 (Copenhagen 1999) 130-168.
"From Athena to Zeus: An A-Z Guide to the Origins of Greek Goddesses" in eds. L. Goodison and C. Morris, Ancient Goddesses: Myths and Evidence (British Museum Press, London, 1998) 133-147.
"Geometric Arcadia." in eds. A. Peatfield and C. Morris, Klados :Essays in Honour of J.N. Coldstream (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement, London 1995) 271-283.
“Excavating at the Birthplace of Zeus. The Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project,” Expedition 52.1 (2010) 9-21. (With David G. Romano)
“The Nature and Significance of the finds from Mt. Lykaion: Past and Present,” At the Altar of Zeus: The Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, University of Pennsylvania Museum Publications (forthcoming 2011)
“Pottery at the Crossroads: Ceramic Trends in Southeast Arcadia,” in Ancient Arcadia (Papers from the Norwegian Institute in Athens, 2005) 467-482.
"The Cult of Athena Alea at Tegea and its Transformation over Time," in Celebrations. Sanctuaries and Vestiges of Cult Activity, ed. M. Wedde (Papers of the Norwegian Institute in Athens, vol. 6, Athens 2004) 1-15 and figures 1-7
"An Analysis of Votive Types Recently found at Tegea," in Peloponnesian Sanctuaries and Cults (Acts of the Swedish School Symposium Athens 4 - June, 1994), R. Hagg, ed. (Stockholm 2002) 159-169.
"Excavations at the Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea, 1990-1992: First Preliminary Report," Opuscula Atheniensia 1994 (with sections by Ostby, Nordquist, Tarditi and Luce) 89-141 (Voyatzis responsible for pages 117-139 and figs. 43-131).
"Current Fieldwork at the Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea," Archaeological News 17 (1992) 22-31 (invited article).
"Votive Riders Seated Side-Saddle at Early Greek Sanctuary Sites," The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens 87 (1992) 259-279, figs. 1-14.
"Arcadia and Cyprus: Aspects of the Interrelationship between the Twelfth and Eighth Centuries, BC," Report of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus 1985, 166-163, pls. XIX-XX.
Book Review of Delphi and Olympia The Spatial Politics of Panhellenism in the Archaic and Classical Periods by M. Scott (Cambridge 2010) in American Journal of Archaeology (October 1, 2011)
Book Review of Art and the Early Greek State by M. Shanks in Religious Studies Review 26 (2000) 269.
Book Review of The Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Athens 2 by S. Dietz and S. Isager (eds.) in Opuscula Atheniensia 24 (2000) 141-144.
Book Review of Pilgrims and Pilgrimage in Ancient Greece by M. Dillon in Religious Studies Review 25 (1999) 80.
Published commentary on an article by E. Stone, "Chariots of the Gods in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia," in Cambridge Archaeological Journal, April 1993, 103-104.
Book Review of Greek Gods and Figurines. Aspects of Anthropomorphic Dedications by B. Alroth (Uppsala, 1989), in Gnomon 16 (1991) 241-244.
Book Review of Feminism in Greece between the Wars (in Greek) by E. Avdela and A. Psara (Athens, 1985) in Gender and History, vol. 2 (1990) 122-123.